Spring is here and SAD is over

College students and high school students alike, are known for self-deprecating humor and the winter months don't make that any easier. Daylight savings time can plunge young and old into a depressive state where it can be hard to get out of bed and socialize. And the slush on the roads in February doesn't help.… Continue reading Spring is here and SAD is over

Measles, Mumps and Essential oils

Measles, along with many other thought-to-be ancient diseases, is making a comeback as anti-vaccine parents are keeping their children healthy with hopes and prayers instead. The long-contested rumor that vaccines cause autism has these parents using essential oils rather than risk their child living with something that many people have and live perfectly normal lives… Continue reading Measles, Mumps and Essential oils

Grieving From Miles Away, Along with Managing Tests, Homework and a Social Life

At the college age, it is rather impossible to have avoided someone related to you or a family friend dying. Your grandparents are getting older, mass shootings are happening everywhere, along with measles outbreaks. But that also means it's rather impossible to get an excused absence from class. Professors believe that their class is the… Continue reading Grieving From Miles Away, Along with Managing Tests, Homework and a Social Life

Extinction: Not Just For Dinosaurs

Climate change. Noun: A long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature Scientists have been trying to tell us for years that the atmosphere is thinning, icecaps are melting, and plastic in the ocean is killing sea turtles. But not everyone is ready to listen. These two words have always caused political discourse, as half the country believes… Continue reading Extinction: Not Just For Dinosaurs

Giving Life to the Things that Die in Space

Last week the Mars rover Opportunity, affectionately named Oppy, sent back her final message interpreted as "My Battery is Low and It's Getting Dark." When news of this broke, people across Twitter became surprisingly emotional. The millennial generation has time and time again found itself getting attached to non-sentient objects, giving them personas, writing fan… Continue reading Giving Life to the Things that Die in Space

Who’s more prepared to die, students or their grandparents?

Thanatophobia or the fear of death affects 20.3% of Americans and causes many researchers to have contrasting findings over whether or not it affects children or the elderly more. But in the day and age of sensationalized media over college shootings, walking to class in the polar vortex, and depression rates skyrocketing, the 18-24 demographic… Continue reading Who’s more prepared to die, students or their grandparents?