Valentine’s Day or Death Day?

Ah yes, the day of love and couples, and according to the movie theatres, blood? Valentine’s Day has arrived and so has the newest movie of the Happy Death Day series. It’s called Happy Death Day 2U.

The first movie almost resembles Groundhog Day, in a modern-day slasher fashion. The movie follows Tree Gelbman, played by Jessica Rothe, a college student who is murdered every day forcing her to wake up over and over again to relive it. The cycle only ends when she finds out who her killer is. This cycle continues way longer than it should have, prompting one movie review channel on Youtube to create a video called “6 Ways to Beat the Killer from Happy Death Day (2017).”

The first movie was released on October 13, 2017, and the sequel came out February 13, 2019. Valentine’s Day may seem to be a weird time to release a horror film, but the producers may be thinking since Tree has a boyfriend now, it can be more of a love story, while still following the pattern the first film laid down.

There have already been some lukewarm reviews of Happy Death Day 2U saying it was too expected and sloppily ran out of ideas too continue the story. Though others seem to positively credit Jessica Rothe for her acting skills and her talent for dying on screen.

Happy Death Day 2U is more of a parallel universe sort of situation, where she again has to die over and over again to save all of her friends. While you may not be waking up every day reliving your death over and over, sometimes it can feel like it.

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Getting stuck in a rut and feeling like you’re repeating your day over and over again can cause depression, but you may not always see how things haven’t changed. Humanity fears change but ironically also fears getting stuck in the same place. We want to keep moving in the most comfortable way possible.

Valentine’s day can cause pressure on couples to get the perfect gift for their significant other or cause people who are single to feel as though they are not good enough for a relationship at all. Many suicide call centers report an increase on February 14th or the days around it. Self-care is important and becoming more of a common thing whether it’s a bubble bath or just cleaning your room.

Spend some time on yourself, go to the movies and enjoy some Valentines to and from yourself.


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