Why do we love hearing about Serial Killers?

Ted Bundy is the current serial killer to have all of the media attention for documentaries and movies in 2019. The director of Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes is the same as the upcoming Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile movie, Joe Berlinger. “I wish I could say I had this grand master plan to be ‘the Bundy guy’ in 2019, but it all was kind of coincidental, honestly…I listened to the tapes, I thought they were chilling, and I thought there was a new way to get into the mind of the killer…”

Netflix and other streaming sites are following the wide demand for true crime and murder mysteries, but Twitter has found that an astonishing number of these people are women. Why?

Twitter users have lumped young women who are watching these documentaries into a group who believe it is a personality trait, setting them apart from others, making them unique. But with the popularity growing in recent years, it’s like saying you like dogs.

As they get older, typically the women in the 30-40 demographic, could develop hybristophilia; the condition of being turned on by someone who commits a violent crime. Plenty of women have become famous for marrying serial killers in jail. Take Afton Elaine “Star” Burton who got engaged to Charles Manson in 2014. Although they never got married, she spent ages 17-26 sending him letters and even moved from Illinois to California to be closer to his prison.

Criminologist and law professor Scott Bonn finds “true crime shows generally offer guilty pleasure to thrill-seeking adults.” As a public, we love being disturbed and creeped out which is why it is also becoming more popular to love Halloween, be obsessed with ghosts, and watch NCIS. While some people do it so they can be scared for a little bit, others are more fascinated by the idea of death and the law system.

We’re addicted because we like the rush and the thought of getting inside someone’s head who is capable of these heinous acts. Maybe instead of falling in love with these “bad boys” we should just find someone who doesn’t kill people, right?

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